The Dirt Blog

The Old and the New on TLC Lands

October 3, 2014

by Kyle Obermilller As part of my job as easement monitor here at TLC, I have had the pleasure to explore most of our properties across the region. I’ve spent time exploring in Chatham County along the Deep and the Rocky Rivers, and I’ve traveled all across Johnston,  Wake, Orange, and Durham Counties. This unique […]

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Bridging the Great Divide: Construction at Horton Grove

September 25, 2014

by Kyle Obermilller In trail planning, you tend chose the path that follows the topography, a path that takes the hiker along the most beautiful and diverse sections of the property. More often than not, the trail will meander down to a creek or drainage both because it is beautiful and also because there is […]

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Getting to Know You: TLC’s New Communications Manager

September 23, 2014

  Greetings! My name is Diana Hackenburg and I am extremely excited to introduce myself as Triangle Land Conservancy’s new Communications Manager. I’ll be working with TLC staff, board, and members to make sure all of the great conservation work being done to safeguard clean water, protect natural habitats, support local farms and food, and […]

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Good and Bad News for America’s Waterways

September 19, 2014

A recent long-term study done by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) has good and bad news to report on the state of streams and rivers in the United States. On a positive note, there has been a “striking decline in dangers to humans from pesticide pollution,” writes Michael Wines for the New York Times. […]

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N.C. State Remains Committed to Purchasing Locally Grown Food

September 11, 2014

N.C. State has embarked on an ambitious program, My Roots, to source more of their campus food locally. As part of the program, “University Dining has increased its amount of food sourced from North Carolina and South Carolina from 18 percent to 28 percent in the past two years,” writes Emily Duckett for N.C. State’s […]

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Protecting Wildlife Habitat Key to Preventing Extinctions

September 5, 2014

One hundred years have passed since the extinction of the Passenger Pigeon, which was once one of the most plentiful birds on the planet. Flocks were so large that they blocked the sun and darkened the sky, but they were all gone barely a decade after the turn of the 20th century. It was unsustainable […]

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Connecting People with Nature

August 30, 2014

Dr. Robert Zarr of Washington, D.C. is writing a whole new kind of prescription for his patients. To encourage more exercise, Zarr simply titles these prescriptions, “Rx for Outdoor Activity,” write Sam Sanders and Steven Jackson for NPR. To help them get outside, Zarr has created an entire database full of nearby park facilities, rating […]

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Trail Tales from the Field

August 21, 2014

by Kyle Obermiller I want you to picture walking down a beautiful hiking trail through towering oaks, listening to the sweet sound of dozens of birds chirping to one another and watching squirrels chase each other around and around the trunks of the trees. The trail heads down towards a babbling brook, and in the […]

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Local Food and Farmers’ Market: Raleigh Downtown Farmers’ Market

August 7, 2014

Think urban town centers don’t mix with farm fresh produce? Think again! The Raleigh Downtown Farmers’ Market strives to bring delicious produce and fun products to those living and working in the heart of North Carolina’s capitol city. Located at City Plaza on Fayetteville Street, the Downtown Farmers’ Market runs on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. […]

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Utilizing Highway Borders for Innovative Carbon Capture

August 2, 2014

Picture a typical American highway. Black pavement, brightly painted lines, and close-cropped grass bordering the edge of the road. While this is the classic version of the American highway system, scientists are pointing towards the cleared land on either side of the blacktop as potential carbon trapping goldmines. “The land alongside the 4 million miles […]

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