What is the TLC Hiking Challenge?
Explore new places, challenge yourself, and win fun prizes by participating in TLC’s Hiking Challenge. Anyone can enroll in the Hiking Challenge, regardless of if you are a current TLC member. It consists of completing six hikes at six public TLC preserves, with the option of replacing one hike with any outdoor TLC event. You have one year from the date you enroll to conquer the challenge — finish three hikes and receive the badge pictured here; complete all six requirements to be listed on our Hiking Challenge Wall of Fame and win more prizes!
Share photos of your Hiking Challenge on social media — use the hashtag #HikeTLC on Facebook or Instagram!
Hiking Challenge Rules:
Before beginning, please click here to read the hiking challenge guidelines:
- Participants must enroll in the challenge before logging any completed hikes.
- Completed hikes must be logged on the TLC Hiking Challenge form.
- Participants may either complete hikes at six different TLC preserves or replace one hike with a TLC outdoor event at any preserve.
- You must complete the Hiking Challenge within one year of the date of enrollment. Hikes must be logged within one week of completion. Hikes completed before enrollment are not eligible and cannot be counted towards those required for the program.
- Anyone can participate in the Hiking Challenge; prizes will be awarded based on membership status at the time of completion.
Hike Submission Instructions
Hikes must be submitted on this Hike Log form. When logging your hike you have the option to:
- Write a sentence in the Hike Log describing your hike
- Post a photo of yourself on your hike on social media. For social media posts, use the hashtag #HikeTLC and mention us at @TriangleLandConservancy on Instagram. We are also on Facebook and LinkedIn.
- Email the photos to [email protected].
- You can also share your hikes and photos using the interactive Hiking Project app. Search for a TLC nature preserve on Hiking Project to get detailed information about the preserve and its trails, including trail length, elevation, and photos.
Prizes for Completion
Participants who complete 3 out of 6 of the challenge hikes will receive a TLC iron-on patch!
Participants who complete all 6 hikes of the challenge will receive a year’s TLC membership and a TLC prize pack that may include a TLC water bottle, TLC canvas bag, and a $25 gift card to the Great Outdoor Provision Company!
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I do the TLC Hiking Challenge? It’s a fun way to challenge yourself, explore the Triangle, and win fun prizes! Everyone who completes three hikes will receive a one-of-a-kind TLC badge and those who finish the Hiking Challenge will receive a TLC membership and/or a TLC prize pack.
Do I need to be a TLC member to participate? Nope. The Hiking Challenge is open to everyone, regardless of membership status. We want anyone to be able to get outside and enjoy our preserves! Complete the challenge and you’ll get to experience the benefits of membership for the next year, including discounts and special access to events. However, if you do become a member before completing the challenge you will receive the Hiking Challenge prize pack when you finish!
Is there a time limit? From the date you enroll in the Hiking Challenge, you have one year to complete it.
How will I know my progress in the challenge? Logged hikes are updated at least once per month, so there may be a short delay before hearing about your status!
When can I start counting my hikes toward the Hiking Challenge? Hikes must be logged on our website within one week of completion to count toward the Hiking Challenge. Hikes completed before enrollment in the program cannot be counted or logged.
Can I bring my dog? Yes! Dogs are allowed on all of TLC’s public nature preserves. We ask that while visiting TLC’s public nature preserves you keep pets on their leash and clean up after them.
Can kids and families participate? Yes! The TLC Hiking Challenge is for people of all ages. We encourage you to complete the hikes with family or friends. Just remember that each person participating in the Challenge should register themselves on our website and log their hikes. Parents may register and complete the hike-log for their children. Also check out our incentive based Triangle Explorer Program which has a Hiking Badge for kids to earn prizes as well!
Can I hike and go to an event at the same TLC preserve and count it towards two of my six Hiking Challenge requirements? Yes! If you choose, you may replace going to one of the TLC nature preserves with attending any TLC-hosted outdoor event. This means that, for example, you may log Horton Grove Nature Preserve twice — once for a self-directed hike and again after attending a TLC event there.
If I have additional questions, who should I contact about the Hiking Challenge? Please contact Amaya Horner via email at [email protected]