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Biothon at the Confluence @ White Pines Nature Preserve
Mar 15 – Mar 22 all-day

Celebrate Creek Week with a self-led biothon at White Pines Preserve!

A biothon is a rapid biological inventory of the species in a given area in a short period of time. Participate in this community science project by recording as much flora and fauna as you can find on the iNaturalist “Plants and Wildlife of White Pines Nature Preserve,” group. This self-led discovery will last for one week, from March 15th-21st. We’ll finish the week off on March 22nd with two guided hikes at White Pines, each focused on a group discovery of the many species at the confluence of the Deep and Rocky Rivers.  

Keep an eye out to register for the two guided hikes on our events calendar.  

Join the White Pines iNaturalist project here: Plants and Wildlife of White Pines Nature Preserve

How to record a species observation through the app: iNaturalist How-to

*Participants are welcome to contribute to either the week-long self-led activity or register for the guided hikes, or both!*

Biothon at the Confluence @ White Pines Nature Preserve
Mar 22 @ 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Celebrate Creek Week with a biothon at White Pines Preserve!

A biothon is a rapid biological inventory of the species in a given area in a short period of time. Participate in this community science project by recording as much flora and fauna as you can find on the iNaturalist “Plants and Wildlife of White Pines Nature Preserve,” group. Finish off a week of self-led discovery with this guided hike at White Pines, focused on a group discovery of the many species at the confluence of the Deep and Rocky Rivers.

We’ll start off with a quick iNaturalist tutorial and some information on the basics of plant ID. Using the iNaturalist ID tool and the plant ID skills of TLC staff & the group we’ll work together to explore and identify the many species that contribute to the rich biodiversity of White Pines Nature Preserve.

Register for the 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. guided hike here:

Join the White Pines iNaturalist project here: Plants and Wildlife of White Pines Nature Preserve

How to record a species observation through the app: iNaturalist How-to

*Participants are welcome to contribute to either the week-long self-led activity or register for the guided hikes, or both!*

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