4409 Mial Plantation Rd
NC 27610
Triangle Land Conservancy invites our members to Winter in the Woods at Bailey and Sarah Williamson Preserve to celebrate our community and all you’ve done for us this year! On Saturday, December 9th, we will gather at our preserve for a day of festivities. The day will begin at 3 p.m. with remarks from TLC Executive Director Sandy Sweitzer and a presentation for River Society Members, TLC Stewards, and our Founding Members. This will be followed by three guided hikes led by TLC Stewardship Staff. We’ll finish off the evening with a campfire and s’mores.
If you are unsure of your membership status, please contact Katie Seiz. You can also join or renew to participate in this fun membership day!
❄ 3-4pm Celebration for TLC Stewards, River Society Members, and Founding Members. Click here to register!
❄ 4-6pm: Join us for s’mores, refreshments, a bonfire, and guided hikes led by TLC staff members! Guided hikes will be offered each hour from 4 until 6. Click here to register!
Photos courtesy of Modern Opus Productions