Walnut Wednesday!

June 6, 2018 @ 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Walnut Hill Nature Preserve (address included in registration)
Margaret Sands

Join us at TLC’s next nature preserve, Walnut Hill, for Walnut Wednesday! In addition to its agricultural and historical significance, Walnut Hill Farm contains contiguous, unfragmented forests as well as several streams that drain into Marks Creek and the Neuse River. The property is also adjacent to the Riverwalk conservation tract to the south, which is owned by the State and under a stewardship management agreement with the Town of Clayton. The Riverwalk tract links Walnut Hill Farm to the Neuse River and the Neuse River Greenway, segments of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail.

On Walnut Wednesday we need your help to take our first steps towards opening this preserve to the public by clearing overgrown brush areas and mending fence lines.

Volunteers should be six years of age of older and minors must be accompanied by an adult or guardian. All tools will be provided but volunteers may bring their own work gloves if they prefer. Please register below so we have an approximate head count!

Please note, this preserve is not yet open to the public so the address will be sent in your automatic confirmation email upon registration.

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