Public Meeting- White Oak Creek Conservation

May 15, 2023 @ 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Cary Fire Station 8
408 Mills Park Drive

Join this public meeting hosted by Cary It Green, Town of Cary, and Triangle Land Conservancy.

You’re invited to learn more about this project and share your thoughts about protecting Cary’s waterways and open spaces at the White Oak Creek Conservation Management Plan Public Meeting. View maps, engage with experts, and share your opinions at this family-friendly “drop-in” style public meeting.

This grant funded project is designed to identify conservation, education, and recreation management goals along a corridor of 450+ acres of open space in the White Oak Creek area between Highway 55 and Jordan Lake. The community is invited to engage with staff about the ecology and hydrology of the conservation area, learn why we are protecting it with a conservation management plan, and give their feedback on possible future public uses/considerations of the space. No registration is required for this free family-friendly event. Learn more at

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