Green Growth Toolkit Training

November 11, 2017 @ 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM
White Pines Nature Preserve
548 S Rocky River Rd
Sanford, NC 27330
CC King

This field tour is part of the N.C. Wildlife Commission’s Green Growth Toolbox program. The purpose of the tour is to increase local government and citizen awareness of priority wildlife species, habitats and the importance of considering wildlife conservation in development planning.
Spread out development patterns are a top threat to over one third of our wildlife species. The Green Growth Toolbox is a technical assistance tool for local land use, transportation and development planning. The Toolbox provides information, recommendations, case studies and GIS maps for integrating priority wildlife habitat conservation into local development planning. The program focuses on incentives and how to remove regulatory barriers to better resource conservation. A handbook, wildlife habitat GIS maps, training workshops and technical assistance are accessible through our website
Participants will gain a better understanding of wildlife and their specific habitat needs including. 

  • Bottomland hardwood forests and stream habitats
  • Resident and neo-tropical songbirds, native mammals, reptiles and amphibians
  • N.C. Wildlife Commission habitat conservation recommendations for development planning, regarding how much habitat is needed by wildlife in a developing landscape.

This workshop will be conducted entirely in the field.  Registration: Please email CC King at to register.

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