3620 Old State Hwy 10 Chapel Hill NC 27514
Come join us for our Birds, Bees, and Cold Brews Hike!
We will start the morning off hearing from representatives of the New Hope Audubon Society as we sip on cold brew to get us ready for the hike. Then we will hit the trail in search of pollinators and birds of all shapes and sizes. Did you know that Brumley North is the #2 Hotspot for birding in the state?
We will meander on an easy 1.5 mile hike over about 2 hours with many stops along the way. Please wear good walking shoes, bring a water bottle, your favorite reusable drinking vessel for cold brew, and binoculars if you have them. We suggest that you leave your furry friends at home for this hike as they may scare away wildlife viewing opportunities. This is a free event, but preregistration is required.
Register Here!
Current Mask Policy: TLC seeks to build a supportive, mask-friendly environment in all collaborations with staff and the public. Please wear a mask if you are not vaccinated, or if that makes you feel most comfortable. We will have masks available if you would like to wear one during an event. We also encourage those eligible to be vaccinated to get their Covid-19 vaccine and booster shot. If you are experiencing any Covid-related symptoms, please stay home and attend a program another day. Our top priority is to create a safe environment for our community. Thank you for your understanding.
If this event is full, please fill out the form at this link to be added to the waitlist.