September 10, 2016 @ 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Picturesque locations around the Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Durham area.
Margaret Sands
Triangle Land Conservancy is teaming up with the Arts Center in Carrboro to get you outside and in touch with your creative side! Painting in the great outdoors is one of the best ways to commune with nature, hone your observational skills and learn about yourself as an artist as you expand your creative vocabulary.
We will explore what makes an exciting composition and work extensively with mixing color. Individual expression is encouraged, and students are free to work with either acrylic or oil. The class will take place in various picturesque locations around the Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Durham area including TLC preserves!
Click here to register for this course
Emily Eve Weinstein – $162 – Saturdays, 2-5pm, Sept. 10-Oct. 15
- This class is offered in collaboration with the Triangle Land Conservancy.
- Transportation not provided.
- Obtain materials list online or at The ArtsCenter front desk, prior to first class.
- Students should call instructor prior to first class
- All ArtSchool registrations have a $3 processing fee added upon check-out.
- ArtsCenter and Triangle Land Conservancy members receive 15% off of the cost of this course with the code “TLC-MEMBER”!