October 17-23 is National Estate Planning Awareness Week (NEPAW), and it’s the perfect time to create a plan for our shared values of community, inclusion, teamwork, and stewardship. TLC is inviting you to make an estate plan as an act of care for the community as a whole – creating a will is one of the best ways to protect the people and causes you love.
National Estate Planning Awareness Week (NEPAW) is a crucial moment to safeguard your loved ones, designate a guardian for your minor children and pets, and protect your possessions, no matter the size of your estate.
We are excited to remind our supporters of our partnership with FreeWill: a free estate
planning tool. This resource guides you through the process of making or updating a will in just 20 minutes so you can have peace of mind about the future. Over 600,000 individuals have already used FreeWill to care for their loved ones.
The Triangle region is an increasingly healthy and vibrant place to live where wild and working lands are protected, and everyone has access to open space, clean water, and local food. I hope you take this opportunity to protect your family’s future and our beautiful Triangle region.