Lavender Farm Placed Under Conservation Easement

June 9, 2017

Bennett, NC (June 9, 2017) – Triangle Land Conservancy announced today that it placed a conservation easement on Bluebird Hill Farm in Chatham County. The conservation easement is recorded on the deed to the property and ensures that the land is protected from development and will remain a farm forever.  The owner graciously donated the conservation easement to Triangle Land Conservancy.

Norma Burns, the current owner of Bluebird Hill Farm in Bennett, NC is planning to gift the farm to provide the opportunity of a lifetime to aspiring organic farmers. She writes “many aspiring farmers can’t afford to buy farmland.” According to Burns, “Bluebird Hill Farm believes in making it possible for new farmers to get started.” Burns has already received many applications and in concurrence with the easement closing has extended the application process to August 1, 2017.

For an entry fee and an essay, eligible applicants have the opportunity to win a 13.63-acre working, certified organic farm in Chatham County. Along with the acreage the farm comes with a beautiful 2,330 sq. ft. house, a barn, high tunnel, green house, tractor and other equipment necessary to run a farm operation.

Leigh Ann Hammerbacher, Associate Director of Conservation and Stewardship explains “TLC is excited to help protect this beautiful farm and continue to work with landowners to explore innovative means of transitioning affordable agricultural lands to the next generation of farmers.”

For more information and to apply visit

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