If you’re one of the thousands of people who love to hike and bike at Brumley Nature Preserve, we need your help!
We are thrilled to announce that TLC purchased a 60-acre Brumley expansion in April to protect the more of the tributary of Stoney Creek, to provide additional connectivity for wildlife, and to expand walking and mountain biking opportunities. It is exactly the kind of project identified as a priority in TLC’s 2025 Strategic Action Plan
The landowner generously sold the property at a discounted price and TLC raised $539,260 from generous donors and governmental source but needed to make an internal loan to complete the purchase.
TLC must now raise the $300,000 to pay off the debt, install a parking lot and a trail to connect the expansion to Brumley South, and replace the bridge at Brumley North.
Before we can open the Brumley expansion, we need to install a parking lot and build a trail to connect it to the rest of the trails on the south side of Brumley. Your donation today will make that possible.
If you’re a regular on the hiking-only trails at Brumley Preserve North, you know that in mid-April, the main bridge was destroyed when it was washed out by Stoney Creek during a huge rain storm. Since this is the only route to access a majority of the trails on the northern portion of this very popular preserve, TLC staff has been working diligently to identify the best way forward to repair or replace the bridge.

We’re thrilled to say that work to replace the bridge will begin in early August. Visitors will see heavy equipment onsite: removal of the damaged bridge will be the most difficult part of the project. Thanks for your patience as we complete this project. We are less thrilled with the $30,000 price tag for this project! As your nonprofit land trust, we rely on you and others like you to keep preserves like Brumley Forest well-maintained and accessible. Please consider making a special gift today to close the gap in funding for this much needed repair. Your special gift will allow us to handle this unexpected expense without compromising other priorities – like accelerating the pace of conservation across the Triangle, which we cannot do without your support.
If you have questions or would like to discuss your donation plans, please contact Christine Wilson, [email protected] or Sandy Sweitzer, [email protected].
Thank you for prioritizing Brumley Nature Preserve and TLC through your gift today
If you have questions or experience any difficulties with the donation form please contact Casey Therrien by email or call 919.908.0050.