Bird is the Word at Glennstone Preserve

June 29, 2015

Summer is usually not the best season for birding. But 26 or more bird species have been seen this time of year at Ellerbe Creek’s Glenstone Preserve – the location of our upcoming birding trip on July 11th. Join a group of 12 and you could be treated to seeing such birds as the Brown-headed nuthatch, the Acadian flycatcher, the Pine warbler, the Summer tanager and the Indigo bunting! Glennstone is also home to one of the largest, most western heron rookeries (breeding place) around.

Indigo Bunting
Photo: 31 May 2015, Durham, NC, © Benjamin Chapman

Glennstone Nature Preserve’s 83 acres border Ellerbe Creek’s floodplain and are connected to the downstream Falls Lake State Recreation Area. The preserve and surrounding neighborhood are home to almost three miles of trails. In addition to the 26 or more bird species, the preserve contains at least 40 tree species. There is also a rich variety of native wildflowers and grasses on the preserve.

Ellerbe Creek Watershed Association manages the preserve to restore the forest and what’s called its diabase prairie remnant ecology (Diabase rocks!). ECWA also wants to provide Durham residents with a nearby getaway.

Photo: 23 May 2009, Durham, NC, © Nicolette Cagle

Come see Glenstone Preserve for yourself on our July 11th birding expedition! It will be led by TLC’s Director of Conservation and Vice President of the New Hope Audubon Society Bo Howes. First, sign up on our website. Then, be prepared for the excursion with binoculars, water and bug repellent.

We hope to see you there! Register for this outing for free here and find other great TLC outings here.

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