Between July and December 2020, TLC’s Conservation team has worked diligently to protect an additional 574 acres of land! In December alone, our team protected 399 acres through Conservation Easements, which are agreements that place legal restrictions on the property to permanently protect the natural resources and limit future development. TLC staff monitors these eased lands at least annually to make sure the provisions of the easement are being followed, but the landowner still has the right to manage the land within the terms of the easement.
These acres are vital to protecting our natural habitats, protecting local farms, and safeguarding clean drinking water for everyone in the triangle, and help us get closer to achieving our aggressive conservation goals as outlined in the Strategic Action Plan. For example these easements protect a longleaf forest in Johnston County, a wildlife corridor next to our Williamson Preserve, and an organic farm at the headwaters of Falls Lake. Healthy land means healthy water, people, and communities.
All of our December easements were donated conservation easements and TLC is so incredibly thankful for the generosity of these landowners who graciously donated these easements and their long term commitment to the natural resources of the Triangle.