Community has been at the heart of TLC's work for over 30 years, and this year that value was more apparent than ever. We try not to measure our impact just in “bucks and acres,” but in the lives we touch and the progress made toward a healthier, more vibrant Triangle for all. Donations from supporters like you make all of this possible.
Here are our “10 Biggest Moments” of 2014:
As of yesterday, TLC has helped conserve over 17,000 total acres in the Triangle! In Chatham County, three new conservation easements signed yesterday will protect 345 more acres of forest and working farmland on the Bonlee-Tick Creek property within the Rocky River watershed. Raleigh's drinking water was also further safeguarded in 2014 with the purchase of the 83-acre Southview property in Durham County, a project made possible by a partnership between TLC and The Trust for Public Land as well as support from the Clean Water Management Trust Fund (CWMTF) and the Upper Neuse Clean Water Initiative.(Bonlee-Tick Creek property in Chatham County)
- Ecological restoration of native warm season grasslands continued at Horton Grove. Prairie plants like little bluestem, Indian grass, switch grass, Georgia aster, tall larkspur, and smooth coneflower have all gained footholds at the preserve. Prairie animals, including ground-nesting birds like the eastern meadowlark, grasshopper sparrow and Henslow’s sparrow, have also thrived in the new habitat, making it a great spot for birders! Another burn is scheduled to take place in January 2015 with the exact date depending on weather conditions.
- TLC partnered with the City of Durham and Keep Durham Beautiful to begin an inventory of urban trees using a corps of intrepid volunteers.
- With input and support from members and partners, a new strategic plan was put into place to guide TLC's work through 2020.
Three miles of new trails opened at Horton Grove Nature Preserve bringing the total between all six of TLC's nature preserves to over 15 miles of trails!(Horton Grove Trail Grand Opening, photo by Sam Upchurch)
- The first program in TLC’s Wild Ideas series was a great success with over 100 people coming to RTP Headquarters in October to discuss ideas for increasing access to fresh food and farms in the Triangle. Save the date: our next event, Wild Ideas for Getting Outside, will take place Tuesday, March 3, 2015!
- Seven highly-regarded community members were elected to serve on TLC's Board of Directors, rounding out an already strong cohort of seasoned TLC veterans and eager new faces.
- TLC began the rigorous process of applying for national accreditation, a mark of distinction in land conservation.
- Three new staff were hired to support TLC's community engagement, stewardship, and communications efforts.
- In an effort to better connect with diverse communities, we expanded our outreach on social media including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube and using video, we created compelling visual stories about our work that we hope you'll continue sharing in 2015 and beyond!
Thank you for helping us achieve all this and much, much more in 2014! Every year, the Triangle is becoming a healthier, more vibrant place to live, work and play because the wild and working lands necessary for maintaining a high quality of life are being protected.
Learn more about our work during the 2014 Fiscal Year (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014) by visiting our online Annual Report.
Continue supporting these efforts in 2015 and beyond with a tax-deductible donation to TLC. Right now, your gift has double the power because of a $40,000 matching challenge issued by our board! It's easy, click here to give and quickly add “supporting conservation in my community” to your list of 2014 accomplishments!