JLOW Presentation at Abundance NC Pecha Kucha Night

December 3, 2019 @ 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Pittsboro Roadhouse
39 West St
Pittsboro, NC 27312
Abundance NC

Head to Pittsboro Roadhouse on December 3rd to hear  TLC’s Conversation Manager, Margaret Sands, speak about the Jordan Lake One Water initiative during Abundance NC’s Pecha Kucha night.

Through the initiative, TLC and partners developed the Jordan Lake Watershed Conservation Strategy, which provides a framework for protecting drinking water through land conservation. This fast-paced presentation will take you through the strategy, and it’s just one of several you’ll hear that night! Come learn about community initiatives that are making the world a better place.

Pecha Kucha is a quarterly storytelling event hosted by Abundance NC.

More information is available here.

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